LITTLE E3D2 is a fully featured Embedded Ethernet controller based on ATmega128 microprocessor which is connected to RTL8019AS network interface.
It is intended for embedding into a larger system which has to be connected to the Ethernet network.
Available is a library which provides basic IP communication with a master system over Ethernet network.
LITTLE E3D2 was designed in mind of simple usage in various applications. Its design
allows using it in very sophisticated applications with minimum effort. The philosophy
behind that is simple: "Have every "smart" periphery tightly integrated on on the small
controller board, use single layer PCB for the rest". This is of course just an option, not a rule.
Using a single layer PCB for base board design can also save overall application cost, especially
in small quantities. A good example of such single sided board is the Base One board,
which is included in the LITTLE E3D2's Kit.
A new revision of the LITTLE E3D2 has been introduced. It adds battery backed real time clock, battery backed RAM
and RS485 bus driver. All of it on the same sized board.
LITTLE E3D2's features are:
- ATmega128-16AI controller with integrated 128kB Flash memory, 4kB RAM and 1kB EEPROM.
- 128kB battery backed static RAM memory.
- 512kB (4Mb) Flash for user data.
- Ethernet interface chip RTL8019AS connected to the ATmega128.
- RJ45 Ethernet connector on the board.
- RS232 interface with MAX232 driver connected to UART0.
- 26 general purpose I/O lines (PORTB 4-7, PORTD 0-7, PORTE 2-7, PORTF 0-7).
GPIO lines include 8 Channel 10-bit A/D converter, PWM, Analog Comparator, etc.
Detailed description about GPIO can be found in ATmega128 datasheet.
- In system programming connector.
- Code security and protection.
- Low noise 4-layer PCB.
- Standard 2.54mm (0.1 inch) pitch headers used for interfacing.
- Size 73x45 mm.
- RS485 interface driver connected to UART0.
- DS1307 Real Time Clock.
- RAM memory is battery backed.
Some LITTLE E3D2's areas of use are:
- RS232 over Ethernet extender.
- Remote control.
- Remote telemetry.
- Remote data acquisition.
- Remote RS232 line buffering.
- Home control and automation.
- Ethernet MP3 player, just add VS1001K or similar chip.
LITTLE E3D2 product sheet.
LITTLE E3D2 mechanical drawing.
LITTLE E3D2 jtag connection.
LITTLE E3D2 configuration jumpers.
LITTLE E3D2 application examples.
A free TCP/IP stack for LITTLE E3D2.