The LITTLE E3D2 is intended to be plugged to an another board with additional
circuity, so is in this application.
The Gear One the LITTLE E3D2 is plugged into is an inexpensive, single sided PCB. It contains connectors
for interfacing the LITTLE E3D2 to the world (relay contact, RS232 interface and DC power).
On the Gear One board is also buzzer, character LCD display connector,
4x4 keyboard connector and connector with raw UART1 signals
used for communication with a slave microcontroller board. All of this is controlled remotely by a master
system (in this particular case PC running Linux) over Ethernet network. |
Quick and dirty pictures talk more than tons of text. Revision 2 of the Little E3D2
on the board named Gear Three. A modification with off board Ethernet connector, switching
power supply and RS485 bus which is better suited for multi slave communication
(for instance with remote sensors) than RS232. |
The Base One, single sided printed circuit board has been designed to show,
how easily can be an application with the Little E3D2 module created.
It is intended for development purposes and
its function is powering the Little E3D2 and interfacing it with other prototyping circuity. |